Thursday, September 12, 2013

Something's Gotta Give

I thought I had an idea of what I would write about today.  I thought I would have plenty of time to write it.  I thought I'd have more time for a lot of things today.  Guess that's what I get for thinking too much...
Life happened.  Nothing huge or catastrophic.  Just a lot of little things that took longer than planned or didn't happen as smoothly as I had hoped.  
So, here it is a few minutes past 7, I have a few minutes to sit down and write what is about to burst out of my heart.  Mostly questions.  Maybe if I write it out, answers will become clearer. 
 I'm on a journey...just like everyone else. Trying to take care of my children, husband, and home.  Trying to do my job at work well. Trying to be a good friend to those I know God has given to me.  Trying to be excellent in ministry. Trying to lead well in my life group.  All of these things really overlap.  Above all of these, I want to hear the Holy Spirit and follow His leading.

Right now I feel I've reached an impasse.  The crazy busy that has been our lives for the last few weeks is not working.  All of these things I am doing are good things.  But I feel like my family is suffering.  We are always just making it to our next activity or meeting.  Everyone has to hurry all the time.  I feel the busy-ness and obligation has started to drown out My Father's voice.  It is time to do some recalculating.

I'm not sure what this will look like.  I'm praying and asking you to pray for me as well.  I need wisdom and guidance to decide what He wants me to do or not do.  My family is always my first ministry.  I can be excellent in all other areas of "ministry, " but if I fail at home, my first God-given ministry, I fail at everything.  We have had something every night this week.  As I write this Jason has one kid at football, one at cheer, and another at a life group.  I am home with the twins, finishing up another dinner that will be eaten well after the time the kiddos should be in bed.  I need to figure out which of the good things I need to say "No" to, in order to say "Yes" to the best thing.
I'll let you know how it turns out.  This hasn't been the funniest post...but not in a funny mood today.  I believe it's time for me to "Be still (cease striving) and know that He is God."  I am encouraged that I have learned He will be faithful.  The answers will come if I make the effort to listen for His voice.  Be encouraged that we all struggle at times to know the right steps to take.  But always this:
Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed,
    for his compassions never fail.
 They are new every morning;
    great is your faithfulness.
 I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion;
    therefore I will wait for him.”   
The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him,
to the one who seeks him;
it is good to wait quietly
    for the salvation of the Lord.
Lamentations 3:22-26


1 comment:

  1. This was a great post. Honest and thoughtful. And I love that passage in Lamentations. I'm not sure how people make it without Jesus.
